
Andrés Alejos

1LT, United States Army




Programming Languages











Professional Experience

First Lieutenant — United States Army
May 2018 - Current

Currently one of 20 students piloting the 17D Cyber Basic Officer Leadership Course as a part of the Cyber Training Battalion based out of Fort Gordon, GA.

Military Liason — MIT Lincoln Laboratory
Summers of 2018, 2019

Worked in Group 107 - Advanced Capabilites and Systems, during the summer of 2018, and worked in Group 57 - Cyber Operations & Analysis Technology, during the summer of 2019.

Cyber Defense Excercise / United States Military Academy
April 2017

A semester long team-based effort to fortify a network while not compromising availability, which culminates in a week-long defensive exercise where teams defend against NSA red cell

National Security Agency Internship
Summer 2016

Worked alongside cyber professionals in the field of public key infrastructure

SANS Courses
  • SEC504 — Hacker Techniques, Exploits & Incident Handling
  • SEC560 — Advanced Network Penetration Testing


Purdue University
M.S. in Computer Science:
  • Primary focus in machine learning and data mining with additional experience in graphics rendering engines and networking

United States Military Academy
B.S. in Computer Science:
  • Raspberry Pi+Android Surveillance System :Undergraduate capstone, which focused on creating an ad-hoc wireless surveillance system which would communicate with an Android application. Awarded EECS department award for "Best Solution to a Societal Problem"
  • Undergraduate Honors Thesis - Signature Diversity : Analyze dynamic observables from malware after it has been obfuscated

Honors and Awards

GEM Fellow Alumnus
May 2018 - Current

GEM recruits high quality underrepresented students looking to pursue Master’s and Doctoral degrees in applied science and engineering. The combination of graduate study and field-related internships make GEM fellows more marketable and more competitive upon Graduation.

Army Cyber Leader Development Program Graduate
May 2018

This verifies completion of the Army Cyber Leader Development Program, granting the awarding of the Skill Identifier (SI) C1, Cyber Leader Development Program.

Professional Activities & Memberships

Upsilon Pi Epsilon Honor Society
March 2017 - Current

Cadet Competitive Cyber Team
Fall 2015 – Spring 2016

Member of 16-person team that competed in various Capture the Flag competitions lasting from 1 to 3 days

Special Interest Group in Security, Audit, & Control, Member, U.S. Military Academy
August 2014 – May 2016